
  总部位于伦敦的初创公司Perkbox最近宣布已获得1,350万英镑的融资。Perkbox称自己为“员工体验平台”。本轮融资由Draper Esprit领投,部分天使投资人跟投,均为Perkbox已有投资人。该公司于2015年成立,此前已获得1,100万英镑融资。






  Perkbox联合创始人兼首席执行官Saurav Chopra表示:“有了这一系列新产品,我们从员工‘敬业度’平台转变为员工‘体验’平台。旨在帮助雇主通过为员工提供包括经济、生理及情感等全面的福利,丰富员工个人及工作生活。”




  Perkbox, the employee experience platform, raises £13.5M - TechCrunch


  (May.10, 2019, /techpoket.com/) Perkbox, the London-based startup now calling itself an “employee experience platform,” has raised a further £13.5 million in funding. The round is led by existing investor Draper Esprit, alongside a number of previous Perkbox angels. Prior to this, the company, which launched in 2015, had raised £11 million.


  Targeting companies of all sizes, from SMEs to larger businesses, Perkbox’s platform lets employers give employees a number of benefits and rewards to enrich their work and personal life. The broader aim, of course, is to improve retention and staff well-being.


  The offering now spans several products beyond its “perks” origins, including card-linked loyalty and medical provision. In addition, Perkbox enables companies to measure employee sentiment to help break down silos between management and teams, and to let employees give recognition to one another. This can either be peer-to-peer or top down from management.


  “With this new suite of products, we transitioned from an employee ‘engagement’ platform to an employee ‘experience’ platform,” Perkbox co-founder and CEO Saurav Chopra tells me. “[All] with the aim of helping employers enrich the personal and working life of employees by catering for the full spectrumof employee wellbeing: financial, physical and emotional”.


  Headquartered in London but also with offices in Sheffield, Paris and Sydney, Perkbox says the new funding will be used to finance the company’s expansion operations in Australia and France.