
  光辉国际(Korn Ferry)近日发布的一份预测报告显示,经通胀因素调整后,2019年全球实际工资预计将增长1.0%,低于该公司2018年1.5%的预期。

  光辉国际薪酬福利解决方案全球主管Bob Wesselkamper表示:“随着全球多数地区通胀加剧,我们看到全球实际工资涨幅都在下降。加薪或减薪的比例会因职位、行业、国家和地区的不同而有所不同,但有一件事是明确的,平均而言,员工的实际薪资增幅甚至不如一年前。”






  光辉国际全球总经理Benjamin Frost表示:“尽管通胀指数是评估薪酬市场趋势的可靠基准,但我们建议企业从更广阔的角度出发,定义并商定自己对成本驱动因素、业务战略和本地交易环境的衡量标准。薪酬计划需要定期审查,以确保它们与不断变化的业务和市场状况保持一致。”


  A forecast issued today by Korn Ferry reveals that, adjusted for inflation, real-wage salaries globally are expected to grow of 1.0% in 2019, this is below the company’s 1.5% prediction for 2018.

  “With inflation rising in most parts of the world, we’re seeing a cut in real-wage increases across the globe,” Bob Wesselkamper, Korn Ferry Global Head of Rewards and Benefits Solutions, said. “The percentage of salary increase or decrease will vary by role, industry, country and region, but one thing is clear, on average, employees are not seeing the same real pay growth they did even one year ago.”

  Korn Ferry found that by region, the highest real wage growth is in Asia where salaries are forecast to increase by 5.6%, up from 5.4% last year. Inflation-adjusted real wage increases are expected to be 2.6%, the highest globally, but down from 2.8% last year.

  Wages in the Pacific (Australia and New Zealand) are forecast to grow by 2.5%, and adjusted for inflation, the rise in real wages is predicted to be 0.3%.

  In the UK, wages are predicted to increase 2.5%. Combined with a 1.9% inflation rate, real wages are expected to increase by 0.6%. This is up more than a percentage point from 2018, when wages were predicted to decrease by -0.5%. Employees in two of Europe’s largest economies, France and Germany, are forecast to see real-wage rises of 0.5% and 1.0%, respectively.

  In North America, the average salary growth is predicted to be 2.8% in 2019, and when adjusted for inflation, the real-wage growth is expected to be 0.6%.

  In the US, an average 3% pay increase is predicted, which is the same as last year and the year before. Adjusted for the expected 2.4% inflation rate in 2019, the real wage increase is forecast to be 0.6%, down from last year’s 1.0%.


  “While inflation indices are a solid benchmark for reviewing market trends in pay, we recommend that companies take a broader perspective by defining and agreeing upon their own measures of cost drivers, business strategy and local trading conditions,” said Benjamin Frost, Korn Ferry’s Global General Manager, Pay, said. “Compensation programs need to be regularly reviewed to make sure they align with changing business and market conditions.”