







  1. 劳动力市场火爆。全球失业率继续下降,市场对于关键角色的争抢尤其激烈,其中许多与数字化技能有关。随着劳动力形势的变化和不同的技能组合的出现、演变和消亡,战略性劳动力规划正在呈现出新的紧迫性。



  4. 自发努力意愿降低。员工敬业度已经很低。如今,很多员工都很不安分、无所事事,很少有公司能声称自己的员工投入了大量的心血或意愿。





  “组织期望在五年内有超过40%的领导角色发生显著的变化。” 51%的人力资源领导者和62%的多样性和包容性负责人表示,改善员工体验是他们的首要任务。这将要求人力资源部门解决文化、员工价值主张和员工敬业度等关键因素。

  “支持员工的价值主张,而不仅仅是他们需要的东西,这能将员工绩效提高20%。” 只有29%的员工认为“HR真正理解我需要什么和想要什么。”在接受调查的人力资源领导者中,40%承认,他们的组织很难在员工的日常工作中让员工的价值主张变成现实。


  Gartner Top 3 Priorities for HR Leaders in 2019

  HR leaders in 2019 will focus on building critical skills, strengthening the leadership bench and improving employee experience.

  Growing the business will be the top enterprise-level business objective in 2019, along with improving operational excellence and executing business transformation, according to HR leaders responding to the Gartner 2019 Future of HR Survey. As HR leaders look to support these corporate ambitions, the survey shows their top three key initiatives in 2019 will be to:

  1. Build critical skills and competencies for the organization

  2. Strengthen the current and future leadership bench

  3. Improve the employee experience

  HR faces global workforce trends

  These priorities for chief human resource officers (CHROs) and other HR leaders come amid prevailing headwinds from four key global trends:

  1. The hot labor market. Global unemployment rates continue to decline, and the market is especially fierce for critical roles, many of them related to digital capabilities. Strategic workforce planning is taking on new urgency as the complexion of the workforce changes and different skill sets emerge, evolve and expire.

  2. Digital disruption. CEOs are pursuing digital initiatives both to capture opportunity and to avoid being “Amazoned” away. In the Gartner Digital Enterprise 2020 Survey, 67% of business leaders agreed that if their company did not become significantly more digitalized by 2020, it would no longer be competitive. HR is under extreme pressure to lead the digital transformation of their company.

  3. Social and political change. For the business to grow, HR needs a productive workforce. Structural and social challenges such as pay inequity and the #MeToo movement are directly affecting employee retention and morale and reshaping executives’ employment contracts.

  4. Declining discretionary effort. Employee engagement is already low. Much of today’s workforce is restless and disengaged, and few companies can claim high levels of discretionary effort or intent to stay among their employees.

  To counter these trends and support corporate business ambitions, the HR strategy will need to focus on key levers of improvement.

  The survey showed that building critical skills and competencies is a priority for 66% of HR leaders overall and 85% of heads of learning and development (L&D).

  Building the leadership bench is a priority for 60% of HR leaders overall and for 78% of talent management leaders. At issue are high-potential employees, succession management and leadership development — which is currently lagging.

  Among HR leaders overall, 47% said their organization struggles to develop effective leaders, 45% reported their leadership bench lacked diversity and 45% said their succession management processes didn’t yield the right leaders at the right time. In 2018, the median development spending per leader was $419 — a number that 44% of organizations expect to increase in 2019.

  “Organizations expect more than 40% of leadership roles to be significantly different within five years”

  Fifty-one percent of all HR leaders and 62% of heads of diversity and inclusion said it is a priority to improve employee experience. That will require HR to address key elements of culture, the employee value proposition and employee engagement.

  “Supporting what employees value, not just what they need, increases employee performance by 20%”

  Only 29% of employees agree that “HR really understands what people like me need and want.” Among surveyed HR leaders, 40% conceded that their organization struggles to bring the employee value proposition to life in employees’ day-to-day work.


  Teamwork needed among HR functions. Not surprisingly, individual HR leaders tend to prioritize initiatives aligned with their subfunction — whether that is diversity and inclusion or talent analytics — but the survey showed these top three initiatives to be critical across HR roles in 2019. This creates significant opportunity for cross-functional cooperation among HR leaders.